The Global Project and UN Goals

povertyThe actress, Deborfah Lee-Furness, is working on the Global Project, which addresses the question: what does it take for women to truly be empowered? She points out that we are still asking this question in 2014 when UN Millenium goals were supposed to be met yet women worldwide still comprise 70% of the worlds poor; 287 million women lack basic health care; 222 million women lack access to family planning services; and 3 million girls are denied access to eduction. The Global Project addresses these issues plus what they see is key–getting more women to the table as representatives in the political structure at local, regional and eventually national levels. As women become more active politically, they are more likely to push for action on issues that affect women directly. I would add that this is a key reason for the assignment I have given you on writing op-ed pieces–if more women contribute well researched opinions on these issues in the press, we will also draw more attention to them. I’d like to hear your opinions on the key question: what does it take for women to be truly empowered?