Dear Lego Company,

Gender inequalities do not discriminate by age.
Recently, a 7-year-old girl named Charlotte Benjamin wrote a letter to the Lego company to complain about the differences in not just the dominant ratio of male Lego people to female Lego people, but their roles in the games, as well. Charlotte mentions that the male Lego people “went on adventures, worked, and saved people,” while the female Lego characters were left by the wayside in terms of excitement, featuring such menial tasks as “go to the beach and shop”.
Charlotte’s letter strongly points out gender inequalities that even today still linger, but even at such a young age, is making a stand.
Her letter reads:

“Dear Lego company:
My name is Charlotte. I am 7 years old and I love legos but I don’t like that there are more Lego boy people and barely any Lego girls.
Today I went to a store and saw legos in two sections the girls pink and the boys blue. All the girls did was sit at home, go to the beach, and shop, and they had no jobs but the boys went on adventures, worked, saved people, and had jobs, even swam with sharks.
I want you to make more Lego girl people and let them go on adventures and have fun ok!?!
Thank you.
From Charlotte.”

The future of equality is bright.  Carolyn Wallence