Woman the Gatherer

I think this poem is very appropriate to our current examination of !Kung women and continuities of past and present in women’s roles. HM

Women, The Gatherer

       by Faith Williams

 Lightly she steps across

triangles of jungle glass.

Her young follow. She teaches how to hunt

Country Delight sliced sandwich bread,

how to follow the scent of Flash

lowfat milk. Lounging on nearby cliffs

pale-skinned chiefs display

severed heads.

To her right, sirens bay

of disaster. Darker males

with iron bars escape

in waves. Lightly spring

cockroaches over her feet.

Woman the gatherer embraces

toilet tissue, pale green

sunlight on broad leaves,

forages for jello, for juice

and for cellophane tape

to hold up the jungle sky

one more day.