
This article on sexism
really had me thinking. Why is sexism still prevalent in the workplace and at universities? Why is there STILL a double standard concerning “traditional” gender roles? How many of you have heard sexist remarks regarding your career pathway, attire, or hobbies? As a female skateboarder & longboarder I have heard it all. I have been criticized for my hobbies, I have had my work ethic judged by those who haven’t even seen what I am capable of and I have recently had my sexual orientation questioned while at work.
Its not just males that are guilty of being sexist these days either.
So why are men (and sometimes women) still sexist? Here’s what Juliann had to say about white males and sexism:

“In practice, (heterosexual) white males enjoy social and economic privileges including: easier access to jobs and higher pay; reduced likelihood of being harassed, beaten, or killed, even after dark; relatively low maintenance costs (hair and body care, clothing, etc.) and standards for attractiveness; the presumption that they will retain their surnames upon wedding; freedom from the need to produce – let alone, bear – a child to validate their masculinity and expectations regarding child care; and the comfort of knowing that most of those in power will look just like them.”

Read what she had to say about sexism at the university level by clicking the link above and feel free to comment!   Cushundra Williams