Chasing False Ideation of Beauty

In many senses, the mass media has failed women.  Women are objectified, sexualized and are unrepresented.  Beauty is not equivalent to happiness and yet, it is often calculated into self-worth.   As suggest by underwear model Cameron Russell, the beauty seen in a models photographs is the result of a team. That photo is the result of hair stylist,make-up artist and various others.  Often, it takes hundreds of shots to find the right one.  All of this is all prior to photo editing.  All of this to get one picture of “perfection” that the ideal woman should look like. Women are taught by our media from a young age that this photo is who we should be and aspire to be. This photo represents beauty.  It is our media’s use of these kinds of photos that have aided in the creation of a false ideology of beauty. This is a not only dangerous, but self-destructive ideation that leaves many women chasing an impossible representation of beauty.

If models can be considered some of the most insecure women, what does this mean for young girls and women? What can we do about this?  Kris Benbow