Unfair Assumptions: The Power of the Tongue

Do you feel that certain assumptions are based off of ignorance? Do you ever feel like you are perceived in a manner that is negative? When men voice their opinions about the activities of women, do you find yourself frustrated?
Here’s what happened to me

I was having a somewhat normal conversation with a member of the opposite sex when my sexual orientation was brought up. According to this man, if a woman has female friends that identify themselves as lesbians, then that woman must also be a lesbian. If a woman has a very close relationship with their “girl-friends” then this makes them homosexual. He argued that if a female sleeps in the same bed as her friend without sexual contact it is still considered gay. He goes on to say that MY behavior in general is homosexual, and that I must be having problems coping with my sexuality. Apparently, if I am not sleeping with men then I must be sleeping with women. This was his example: “If your sons boy-scout leader is gay, and displays his gay mannerisms around your son, wouldn’t it be safe to say that your son will pick up his gay tendencies?”
I responded by saying that being around someone or being taught by someone that is homosexual does not make you a homosexual.
He was very unsatisfied with my answer and asks, “So you think that it’s okay for a gay man to lead the boy-scouts? To be around boys?”

Does this surprise you? Has anything like this ever happened to any of you? How does this make you feel? Why should the sexual orientation of my friends matter? After hearing things like this it is hard not to rant about the ignorance of mankind. I will not end a friendship based off of someone’s sexual orientation. I also do not feel that someone’s sexual orientation determines their eligibility for certain job opportunities.
Please leave some feedback. I am interested in all of your responses.  Cushundra Williams