88Bikes Project Empowers Indian Female Survivors of Sexual Slavery

I heard the founder of 88Bikes speaking on an interview show the other day. This is an example of a really good idea from the grass roots. He and his friend started a project to match people willing to donate $88.00 to children in the developing world who need bikes. The recipient of the bike is sent the name and location on a map of the donor so they feel a connection. Bikes are not given as toys but as critical tools for economic survival for these children. The bikes are also purchased locally so that businesses in these communities benefit as well. The most recent project for 88Bikes  is in one of the most impoverished areas of India. They are giving bikes to all the girls who have survived sexual slavery and are in a recovery center run by another NGO. Girls are being helped to reintegrate back into the villages from which they were stolen and many have said the bikes make them feel equal to boys. Since we read about sexual slavery as our first assignment, how do you think the simple act of giving a girl a bike might help with her recovery and reintegration process? Wouldn’t it be great if our class could donate one of these bikes for a girl in India?   Holly Mathews
