Best Tampon Commercial Ever

A commercial for Hello Flo, a home delivery service that provides essentials for your period, may possibly be the best tampon commercial ever.

From the moment that the young woman says “the red badge of courage”, the audience is captivated. As a matter of fact, it is not hard at all to understand why such a commercial would keep the attention of an audience; especially when a society barely hears the positive mention of a vulva or vagina on television. One must assume that hearing such terms would make any individual pay closer attention, even the attention of a woman who has had her period for the past 11 years.

After all, it is only a young women talking about something that naturally occurs to every woman of sufficient age. Yet, the commercial somehow elicits a shock factor to go with a large side order of humor.

Our society continuously adds more and more gore to the average television program that we, as the audience, have lost the surprise of seeing blood. Yet, the surprise of hearing this young woman discuss something so natural still makes one wonder what is wrong with making more and more commercials such as this one.

Put simply, this commercial is amazing because underneath the large blanket of laughs it shows the viewer the need for a new way of thinking.
