UVA Rape Story Claimed Untrue: The Repercussions for Victims

Recently a story of rape on University of Virginia’s campus was published in Rolling Stones Magazine and later was discredited by the police. Many organizations fear that this will lead to even higher levels of unreported assaults on campuses because victims will feel that they too will be turned away. Included in the backlash of these events are pushes for new legislation. Some of this legislation will make it the job of campus leader to decide whether or not to involve law enforcement. Some people feel like it is the victims right to decide to involve law enforcement and this new law will be demeaning to the victims. Both sides have the right intentions and are trying to find solutions to protect the victims. Do you believe this legislation will help or hurt victims? What are some other possible ways legislation could help? What other repercussions from retraction of the Rolling Stones story could there be for students on UVA’s campus and other college campuses?

