Art Against Gender Based Violence

On June 2nd, 2014 a group of artists gathered around to talk about how their work could advance the understanding and representation for victims of gender based violence. One of the main speakers, Stella Damasus, spoke on the matter that these artists have the power to speak out on subjects that are commonly taboo for common conversation. She states that in order to change a sense of comfort those with influence on media have to cause issues. They also go on to mention all of the benefits that media representation brings such as support and changing the minds of young generations for the better.

This article then goes on to mention statistics of gender based violence in Africa, one of the more common areas where all forms of gender based violence occur. And finally the artists explain how their works can change the norms of society by of course bringing fourth a new message in media and transcend barriers through the many diverse artists joining in this movement.

Hopefully their movement has picked up well in other countries as well as our own and is on the way to changing mindsets across the globe.