Ending Violence Efforts


Gender-based violence is a global issue that is continuously growing all over the world. From discussing these matters with my friends and family, I realized that not many people are even aware of the many incidents or the awareness programs that are forming from the ongoing violence. In this article, domestic violence is the main topic of discussion and how the media is bringing all the attention in by using hash tags such as; #whyistayed, #whyileft, to better understand the victim’s situations, how they handled it, and that it is not their fault. It also talks about Safe Horizon, an organization to move victims from crisis to confidence. The organization launched a campaign, #PuttheNailInIt, for all to join hands by painting their ring finger nail purple to show they’ve donated and vowed to help end domestic violence.

I have never heard of the campaign but it sounds like a revolutionary movement. With social media taking over the lives of many, it seems that its a plus in this aspect. The best way to end violence is to make aware of the issues, provide access to help that is offered, and to let victims know they are not alone. Many people are subject to domestic violence, but their are so many people who want to help and support those in finding peace again. Productive efforts such as this campaign encourage others to act efficiently and the article provides statistics and ways that work to stop domestic violence.

My question for you, Is domestic violence gender-based? What efforts or organizations could you relate to the issue? Can you think of any other alternative approaches to ending domestic violence that aren’t listed?