Violence in Mexico

Sexual and gender-based violence is a growing issue in Mexico. Women are a main target to this growing problem and it is sad to say that 67% of women age 15 or older have experienced some type of violence and only 2% of crimes go punished by the judicial system. Being a Mexican American, my family in Mexico often times tell me about all the violence and problems going on, but they say that the government never does anything to stop it. The majority of the women who are victims of this are low income, illiterate, single mothers who are most of the time taking part in drug trafficking. These women are part of the lower level of the drug cartels were violence is a huge problem. Sometimes this is the only way these women receive any type of income, being that these women are the only providers for their family they see it as they have no other choice but to continue on with what they are doing. Mexican women run a high risk of being used for drug transportation or prostitution, making it difficult for them to simply walk down the street without the fear of being kidnapped by someone from the cartel. On my recent trip to Mexico this past December I didn’t notice that much violence (at least not were I stayed at), but the entire time I was there I was always cautious when walking outside, making sure I didn’t take out my cellphone or accidentally slip out an American dollar. My grandpa told me there are people watching you waiting for the right moment to snag your purse or your phone. My question is, with all the crime and violence going on and barely any of the crimes being punished by the judicial system; is there any hope for these women? What is your thought on the situation?