Courtney Williams: post on the arrest of Chicago Bears player Ray McDonald


The article I chose was about the arrest of Chicago Bears player Ray McDonald. In the article the arrest of McDonald for domestic violence is talked about. McDonald, who was released from the 49ers in December for another case of domestic violence, was just picked up not to long ago by the Bears as a “second chance.” However, due to his recent arrest his second chance has been taken away from him and he has been released from the team.


The event that led to the arrest of McDonald occurred Monday at approximately 3:48am; McDonald got into an altercation with his ex-fiancé and assaulted her while she was holding their child. McDonald then fled the scene but was arrested around 6am at a friend’s house.


This case reminds me a lot of the Ray Rice case, which was discussed heavily in my social policy class earlier this year. The main perpetrator is a well-known football player who assaults his significant other, and almost gets away with it. As a matter of fact in McDonald’s case he did get away with it the first time. This is the second time McDonald has been arrested for domestic violence, and he has even gone to trial for an accused sexual assault. However, even after being released from one team he was picked up by another, proving that violence against women is okay in our society.


I believe the only reason both McDonald and Rice were cut from their teams is because of the uproar of society. The NFL is not interested in protecting women, but they are interested in protecting their players and doing what’s best for their teams despite the actions of the players. If it was not for society banning together to say “hey, domestic violence isn’t okay” I believe both Rice and McDonald would still be playing today.

Courtney Williams