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Do you want some good news?

We have all read about numerous domestic violence incidents involving celebrities lately, and seen plenty on the news.  But, is anything helping?  Is the assistance that society offers to victims doing any good?  Apparently, yes.  According to Ariel Zwang, CEO of Safe Horizon,( the largest anti-domestic violence organization in the country), domestic violence awareness is at an all time high.

This article relates some good statistics showing that we are indeed making headway in the fight against domestic violence and that the various assistances that communities have put in place are making a difference.

#PutTheNailinIt is a new public awareness campaign and fundraiser which asks the public to show their support for anti-domestic violence efforts at Safe Horizon. People are being asked to donate – any amount… even a dollar – and then paint their ring fingernail purple. Safe Haven, based in New York, believes this simple gesture will have a profound impact in enabling their organization to continue and expand work that is actually ending domestic violence.

What Works?

There has been a 63% reduction in incidents of domestic violence that do not result in death in the US since 1994 according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics . Additionally, between 1976 & 2005, there has been a 48% reduction in intimate partner homicides.

There are the seven interventions that – according to research — do work.

7 Things That Are Proven to End Domestic Violence

  1. Domestic Violence Shelters

2. Orders of Protection (aka Restraining Orders)

  1. Advocacy
  1. Legal Representation and Advocacy
  1. Hotlines
  1. Counseling
  1. Economic Empowerment

The information about the campaign is below… and be sure to link to the full article which gives many other details about the interventions.  Please take some time to consider whether or not this is something that you can support!

“It’s up to us all to keep domestic violence a social priority by pushing the discussion and by also supporting the solutions. On Sunday, June 14 starting at 3p ET,Investigation Discovery is supporting #PutTheNailinIt by dedicating an afternoon of programming that addresses this issue. Check your local listings at Join the conversation on Twitter during the programming marathon to chat with domestic violence survivors and advocates. Be sure to follow @DiscoveryID, #InspireADifference and #PutTheNailinIt.” – Ariel Zwang, CEO, Safe Horizon