App challenging violence against women

The article I choose was about a new phone app that women in Dharavi, India have been given.  The slum is home to approximately 300,000 to 1 million people, the slum is also home to a big number of domestic violence cases.  43.6% of which are committed by husbands and family members.  The phone app that these women have been given also came with training on how to spot signs of domestic violence and what to do when it happens.  The app allows these women to record video and audio clips of any abuse they see and then send it over to an SNEHA employee who can offer assistance.

Through the app and the training these women are getting they are learning how to prevent domestic violence and what to do about the violence that is effecting their slum.  I think the app is a great way to bring awareness to third-world countries who suffer from outrageous cases of domestic violence.  One thing that is still being worked on however is the police taking these cases seriously, because domestic violence is normal in places like Dharavi the local authorities are still not taking the situations as seriously as they should be.  I believe that once kinks like this are worked out other countries should adopt similar policies and this app should be used more widely in other countries.