Jim Bob And Michelle Duggar Break Their Silence In First Interview Following Child Molestation Scandal

New reports have recently surfaced which involve Josh Duggar, eldest son of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar of the popular TV show “19 Kids and Counting”, molesting 5 young girls, 4 of which were his sisters when he was around 14 years old. Jim Bob and Michelle recently sat down with Megyn Kelly of Fox News to complete an interview based off these allegations. Jim Bob and Michelle knew of Josh’s actions and did not pursue legal actions until the third time he confessed (he came to them and told them he had inappropriately touched his sisters 3 different times). The third time he confessed to touching his sisters, his parents sent him to a treatment camp and he came back “changed.”

After reading several articles surrounding this story, one particular thing was the same in each story: Jim Bob and Michelle consistently defend their son, but say little about the young girls that were involved. I found in every article that both parents focused on their son for feeling remorse, but never seemed to stick up for their daughters who were involved and were most likely experiencing many emotional and psychological traumas, although Jim Bob and Michelle did say each child received professional counseling. I also read in another article that Jim Bob stated it was a “blessing” the girls were asleep when the molestation happened so they couldn’t remember it, which is very disturbing for a father to say in this particular situation.

My question to everyone is: after reading the article I posted, did you get the same understanding that Jim Bob and Michelle were more focused on the fact that Josh “felt guilty” and “feels regret” for molesting his sister, and they did not focus much on the younger girls who were affected?

The article can be found here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/06/03/jim-bob-michelle-duggar-interview_n_7505362.html