Philip Williams And Kathryn Knott, Philadelphia Gay Beating Case Defendants, Turn Themselves In

So I thought this article I found on the Huffington Post was pretty interesting and having to do with our lectures on LGBT violence. It’s about two college students who just turned themselves in for assaulting a gay couple and causing them to have very serious injuries. It was interesting to me because we just talked about how people are defended in the court room when it comes to them assaulting the LGBT community. The “gay panic defense” was something I thought of but it was not used in this case by the defendant’s lawyers. But their lawyers do deny any kind of anti gay comments made in order to make it seem like it had nothing to do with the couple being gay. What do you guys think about this? I think it’s interesting that they turned themselves in but they are denying any kind of anti gay comment made. Do you think this is a turn for the court system when it comes to LGBT violence? What I mean is they don’t use “gay panic defense” which has been previously used in the court room, but instead they deny any anti gay acts. This makes it seem like, even to the defendants, the lawyers, and even the world that if this was an act of LGBT violence that they would earn a harsher sentence. But I would love to hear what you think about this!