Ban on Conversion Therapy in Ontario Canada

In this buzzfeed article the author talks about the newest development in LGBT rights in the Province of Ontario in Canada. Conversion therapy which is literally the attempt to convert homosexuals to heterosexuality by many different means. This typically refers to the actual institutions which implement conversion therapy for pay and not that of family members which happens in private areas.

The article notes on many important facts surrounding this issue. One of which is the fact that there were absolutely zero arguments against this bill throughout the entire process of creating and passing the ban. There are also many important statistics and information praising the positive results that come from the banning of conversion therapy. ” A 2010 study from Trans PULSE found 47% of trans people in Ontario age 16-24 had considered suicide and 19% had attempted to take their own lives in the previous year. (Strapagiel, 2015). There have been many testaments to the pain and suffering caused by conversion therapy and there have recently been wide calls against conversion therapy by many trans and homosexual persons. As the article states, one of the most notable ones was by Leelah Alcorn who was transgender and in her suicide note called for the removal of conversion therapy along with other information.

This is a very interesting topic to me, the question that I will then pose pertains to the private conversion therapy that comes in ones home or family life. Do you think there should be regulations on conversion-esque behaviors in the private life and if so how could law makers go about this?


Shauna Soule