Female Genital Mutilation


This article by Eleanor Goldberg includes a video about the issues of female genital mutilation. The video starts with the image of a young female who is ripped away from her happiness and has her ears, nose, and lips are removed and sewed. This video is quite disturbing, but it catches the essence of the damage that female mutilation can cause to females. The article informs viewers that while some teenage girls are getting excited for summer, others have to go through a terrifying process of going back to their native countries and going through female genital mutilation. Although this act is illegal in the United States and the U.K, some individuals may try to bring their children out of the countries to receive this procedure. The article also talked about President Obama and his signature of the Transport for female genital act in 2013. This act made it illegal for girls to be transported outside of the U.S to be mutilated. There are many health issues related to female genital mutilation, why do you think some countries still practice it? Do you think something should be done to stop this act or should it just be left to the culture?