Violence against Women in Egypt

With the article is an interview with Hend Nafea, a protestor who was brutally beaten, stripped, and band from her own trial. She is faceing 25 charges of revolting against the military regime, throwing rocks at soldiers, burning a building, and the list of absurd charges goes on. Nafea was voicing her opinion and was hospitalized for such that. She was further more humiliated in public which has been a reoccurring theme of torture for several years now. Nafea was sentenced to life in prison but luckily was able to flee to Lebanon to safety. The ongoing violence against women in Egypt has long been a hot topic with hundreds of other similar cases. Even with video footage of criminal acts such as rape, victims could not find justice. Is there a safer alternative for these women to be able to voice their opinions and fight for their rights? How are the courts getting away with committing these victims to life in prison?