My Secret (Creative Piece)


This is my creative piece for the class.  It is a little hard to read the poem in the picture so it is posted below (in bullets to shorten it):

  • Shhhh…
  • No one knows what happened
  • No one knows what he did
  • He said he would take it slow
  • He told me he would stop
  • But he didn’t
  • He made me undress
  • Ripping my clothes
  • He pushed me on the bed
  • I told him to stop
  • He laughed and climbed on top of me
  • He held me down so tight
  • I couldn’t move
  • I could barely breathe
  • He kissed my neck, lips, and breasts
  • I begged him to stop
  • But he didn’t
  • I felt him reach for the zipper of his pants
  • And then it happened
  • He was raping me
  • When he was finished, he left
  • I was paralyzed with fear
  • No one knows what he did
  • No one knows what happened
  • Shhhh…

I painted the picture on the canvas, and then wrote the poem to the side.  I chose to do this for a friend of mine who was raped her sophomore year; this is her story in a nutshell.  I was originally going to paint the entire silhouette black, but as I was painting I decided to leave it with the unfinished edges. I chose to leave them the way they are because it shows that there may be smooth edges on the outside of a person, like nothing is wrong, but on the inside there are many jagged ones from the secret she carries.  I am really happy with how this turned out. Hope you guys enjoy it!

Taylor Lowman