Creative Piece Final Project

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For my creative piece, I decided to do something I usually wouldn’t do. Being that I’m not your typical “artsy person” I came up with creating this intersectionality tower. The placement of my words and pictures have no particular meaning (symbolizing that this is all interconnected) and I put an equal sign on top of my tower to symbolize that everybody is equal. I included words such as “class, race, sexuality, and religion” along with pictures to go with these words. When we touched on the topic of intersectionality, I was really intrigued by the effect it has on people. For example, in the article by Bograd it is mentioned that “we exist in social contexts created by the intersections of systems of power (for example, race, class, gender, and sexual orientation)” (Bograd p.26). Another example is that from one of our lectures were we learned that shelters do not always have culturally appropriate food for their residents. I thought this was an interesting example of intersecitonality because I never really thought about shelters and how they are culturally diverse. My question for the class is, in Bograd’s article he mentions that most theories of domestic violence do not take intersections into account; what effect do you think this has on those theories?