Letter From a Battered Women




For my creative piece I decided to write a poem describing the real perspectives that women find them selves in when they experience domestic violence from their spouse. I also inserted this sketch that I drew showing the effects of domestic violence on a more real level. Taking the time to draw this out really hit me because it made me think about how much pain this person would be in physically and emotionally. I got most of this information from the guest lecture we had from Mr. Basile’s guest lecture. I was going to write the poem on the actual page but I thought it would be easier to read if I just typed it here:

Letter from a Battered Women:

My busted lip because I didn’t want to have sex,

He choked me because the children were not in bed when he got home,

He punched me because he didn’t like my lipstick,

“Why don’t you just leave?” they keep on asking me,

And I ask them how?

If I leave where will I go?

I have no education

I have no job

I have no money

He has controlled the bank accounts

He has isolated me from my friends and family

My kids will grow up in homeless shelters and crisis centers

They deserve a home

If I leave where will I go?

What will I do?

So I stay

I stay for my children

I stay because I have no choice.

I stay because I am an oppressed woman at the hand of an abusive man.

So I stay