Tribal Law on Domestic Violence Takes Effect

On March 7th of this year a new law went into place where Native American justice systems could prosecute non-Native prosecutors who commit domestic violence.   It has taken Congress more than 30 years to put this law into action. In 1978 there was a Supreme Court case that ruled that tribes could not prosecute non-Native American offenders for issues such as domestic violence when one of the partners is Native American. Under this law tribal courts can now investigate, prosecute, convict, and sentence both Native Americans and non-Native Americans who assault their native spouse or dating partner. Some critics however are arguing that this does not do enough to protect Native Americans because it does not include child abuse or sexual assault by non-Native Americans. How do you feel about this issue? What do you think can be done to protect Indian victims from child abuse and or sexual assault by non-Native Americans?

-Jade Woodard