Violence against women in Egypt

Over the years women in Egypt have been battling with violence in their homes and even in the streets. Many efforts to help end this problem have been made, but not much change has occurred. Egypt began to criminalize sexual harassment for the first time last year, but recent reports state that not much of a difference has been noticed. I found it absurd that this new law requires women to have at least two witnesses to be taken into account for being sexually assaulted.  In my opinion, that is ridiculous because what if a woman has no witnesses or nobody is willing to be one of her witnesses; what is the woman supposed to do? Continue getting beat because she can’t obtain two witnesses? I don’t think so. The streets are a frightening place for these women too, in a 2013 survey by UN women 99 percent of women reported being sexually harassed in public; 99 percent! Aside from that, although many efforts and laws have been put in to help end this problem; Egypt still does not have a law explicitly criminalizing domestic abuse and only 8 shelters exist in the entire country (they make reconciliation with the abusive partner a priority). My question to you guys is, what do you think Egypt needs to do to help put an end to this problem? Do you think more laws and shelters need to be put in or do you think people should be better educated on this problem?