Women the new breadwinners


Not only does this article provide real life examples of a change in gender roles that have positively portrayed many women of the household as the new breadwinners, it also provides stimulating statistics about an increase in women or mothers working full time and the percentage of women who are top earners for their families. I enjoyed reading this article and coming across its statistics for the better of women, but also because I can relate to some of these stories. Growing up my mom was an RN who worked two full time, well paying jobs during the day and my dad worked as a Manager at Food Lion during the late nights. My dad would take us to school, pack our lunch, buy our clothes, school supplies, groceries, and everything that any mother would do simply because he was the one caring for us during the day. Some people thought it was different that our mom rarely stayed home with us, but my mom was making more money so it just seemed ethical, plus my dad really enjoyed it. I think its great that more women are leading their lives and families financially, and its great to have those supportive husbands who don’t mind slipping away from the “norm” or expected gender roles that society places on us. Its enlightening to see great changes for women in the workplace and a change in gender roles that aren’t so expected anymore.