OP-Ed: Do College Campuses need to provide Sexual Assault programs?

When you go into college many of us always believed that these years are supposed to be the best years of our lives. What happens if you go out one night, get belligerently drunk, and the next morning you wake up to find that you have been sexually assaulted? This happens all too often on college campuses. Women have found themselves in situations where they have been attacked and raped by strangers or sometimes even acquaintances. In a study done at four different universities it was discovered that around 27% of women reported being a victim of unwanted sexual assault on their campuses.

In an article titled, Sexual Assault Programming on College Campuses: Using Social Psychological Belief and Behavior Change Principles to Improve Outcomes, they discuss the possibility of having a program at every college teaching about rape and the problems of rape on campuses. They found that if students were taught about the culture of rape it could help prevent this from happening on college campuses. Many students come into college with the idea that rape is something that won’t happen to them. It is important for students to learn that they have to be responsible and aware of all the possibilities around them.

This article assesses what the social norms are of college campuses are with dealing with rape. We as students on college campuses should ban together to make it possible for a program to be brought together in hopes to help prevent Sexual Assault. With more education students can understand the risks and what they need to know to help prevent these situations. Males and Females need to understand the concept that “No means No” and that if a partner does not fully consent then the situation should not happen. With these programs we would be able to teach students these concepts in a more personal way.

College Sexual Assault Program