Gay Russians living in the shadows

Gay Russians living in the shadows

Photographer Tatiana Vinogradova utilizes her camera to capture and bring awareness to the intolerance towards homosexuality in Russia (Strickland 2015). Through a series of portraits, known as project “Melancholy Days,” Vinohradova’s photographs were able to “reflect the inner isolation and loneliness” that gays often face in Russia (Strickland 2015). Utilizing natural light and creating dark images Vinogradova creates a “visual concept that mirrors the idea that being gay in Russia is not a rainbow-colored life” (Strickland 2015). In Russia, “rainbows have some very somber shades” (Strickland 2015).

Vinogradova’s initial challenge was finding subjects for her photographs. The Russian gay community has been driven underground (Strickland 2015). While Vinogradova reached out to many LGBT advocacy groups and individuals she received many refusals (Strickland 2015). Many of the rejections stated that “they saw the importance of her project but weren’t ready to come out through a photograph” (Strickland 2015). Only 1% of the gay Russian population lives openly (Strickland 2015).

2013 survey by the Levada Center illustrates the Russian populace’s view on homosexuality. “74% of Russians did not think homosexuality should be accepted by society” (Strickland 2015). “Additionally, it said 16% of Russians thought gay people should be isolated from society, 22% thought they should be forced to undergo treatment and 5% thought they should be ‘liquidated’”(Strickland 2015).

“Melancholy Days” is an example of how art can ignite conscious-raising and cultivate social discourse. The dark lighted photographs and their captions create a feeling of isolation and a glimpse into the marginalization to which gays in Russian are subject. It is certainly a way to initiate dialogue.

Strickland, Ashley. 2015. “Gay Russians living in the shadows.”, September 29, 2015. Retrieved October 1, 2015,(