Jennifer Lawrence comments on Hollywood wage gap

Thomas Hennessey

According to an article released by NPR states that Jennifer Lawrence is facing both praise and criticism after making comment about the gender wage gap.  Jennifer Lawrence recently commented on the fact that she received significantly less pay compared to her male co-stars on the set of American Hustle, she said that she blamed herself not the studio for this pay difference.  Lawrence believes that gender socialization and “not wanting to seem difficult or spoiled” are the causes of the gender pay gap in American Hustle.  That being said Lawrence has been praised by other female actresses in Holly Wood for coming out and discussing the pay gay publicly, others believe she is not the right person for this activism.  A web post stated that women in Lawrence’s position do not understand what true wage gap is, the post goes on to state that women who are struggling to pay bills have a much firmer grasp on wage gap and understand what it means to need every extra dollar.  It is also a fair point to state that Lawrence can be found at the top of Forbes’ list of top paid actresses around the world.  I believe that it is a slippery slope when we start to differentiate women’s struggle in wage gap, there is a need for equality across the board not just equality in low paying jobs.