Ray Rice hopes to work for NFL, raise awareness of domestic violence

Thomas Hennessey


An article released by ESPN announced that Ray Rice would like to work with the NFL to raise awareness for domestic violence.  This announcement came during an interview with the former Baltimore Ravens running back in which he stated that if he did not get another chance to play in the NFL he would still like to make an effort to use his mistake to make a difference for the better.  Ray Rice is one of two NFL players in the last two years who have received large amount of public scrutiny due to nature of their crimes and court cases.  Ray Rice was caught on security footage hitting his then fiancé and now wife, he was immediately let out of his contract and has not received another tryout with any other NFL team.  He stated in his interview that he feared parents telling their children that they did not want them to end up like Ray Rice.  But the real question is why does the NFL not have a clear policy in dealing with player who are suspected of perpetrating domestic violence, Ray Rice has not played another down despite his trial being over and him serving his penance.  Where as Greg Hardy formerly of the Carolina Panthers still in the process of trial has been given another chance by the Dallas Cowboys.  There are clearly some inconsistencies that need to be worked out.