we know working women get penalized for motherhood. What if there’s a “daddy track” too?

Blog Post
november 19th
The article starts with explaining the clear inequality towards women in the workplace when it comes to childcare and maternity leave. Then it moves on to the ideology that males may also face discrimination as well, not only from work but from the women too. Males in Australia reported facing pressure to continue working from their wives (or mothers of the children) to help support the newborn and wife, however over 80% of males claimed that they would like to take paternity leave and care for the child. Only 30% of males claimed that they needed to be the primary “bread winner”. Right now less than 20% of males who have children are able to care for the child while the wife works.
This article is very interesting in the sense that it touches on a topic that is rarely looked at. Everyone focuses on if males should have paternity leave or not, when no one considers if how the female feels about leaving the child with the husband. This article also touches on the industries push against males leaving the work place. This isnt news but it is still something that needs to change in occupational institutions as well.
