The Gambia Bans Female Genital Mutilation

This article deals with female genital mutilation in the West African Country of the Gambia. I know it is an issue we have frequently discussed in class so I thought I would post it.  The president, Yahya Jammeh, recently announced the practice would be banned effective immediately. Supporters of the movement to end female genital cutting in the Gambia praised the president for making a controversial decision during election season. One such supporter remarked, “He put women and girls first, this could negatively affect him, but this shows he cares more about women than losing people’s votes.” The practice was estimated to affect approximately 75% of women in the country, over half of which were 14 years old or younger. The link above includes the article as well as a brief video from what has turned into a global media campaign to raise awareness about the issue and advocate for bringing an end to the practice.

Jordan Rollins