Sex Trafficking as the New Slave Trade?

C. White on December 7, 2015

Schaeffer-Graiel claims that Non-governmental agencies (NGAs) and the media (films and documentaries) inform people internationally that sex trafficking is the modern “New Slave Trade” and a global epidemic, because internationally, large amounts of migrants engage in sex exploitation work in underground prostitution businesses (Schaeffer-Graiel 2010:153). The goal of NGAs and the media is to inform people worldwide about the need to actively observe migrants and look for evidence of sex slavery (Schaeffer-Graiel 2010:155).

Schaeffer-Graiel reveals that the government hires Ketchum, a global public relations company, to communicate messages about sex slavery, to educate the public internationally. Their logo is “Look Beneath the Surface: Rescue & Restore Victims of Human Trafficking”, and they advertise to over 200 million media commercials, radio networks, and newspapers. The images of typical victims are young Asian, Latina, and White women. Ketchum subliminally tells the public that sex slaves are truly victims, not criminals, because they want to dispel the common prejudice, that sex slaves accept and love their work (Schaeffer-Graiel 2010:157).

Schaeffer-Graiel, Felicity. 2010. “Sex Trafficking as the ‘New Slave Trade?’”. Sexualities 13(2) :153-160. doi:10.1177/1363460709359234