Gay marriage advocates sue North Carolina over opt-out law

Gay marriage advocates sue North Carolina over opt-out law

On Wednesday a federal lawsuit was filed against a North Carolina law that allows “government officials to refuse to perform same-sex marriages if they cite religious objections (Jenkins, 2015). Six plaintiffs argue that the law is unconstitutional and should not be upheld (Jenkins, 2015). In their suit plaintiffs argue that the law allows government officials to their personal beliefs before their sworn constitutional duties (Jenkins, 2015). Lawyers for the plaintiffs also argue that the law spends tax-payer’s money to advance religious beliefs (Jenkins, 2015). The law was passed by NC legislators earlier this year in response to the US Supreme Court ruling that legalized gay marriage in the US (Jenkins, 2015). The law bars officials who opt out from performing any marriages, homosexual or heterosexual (Jenkins, 2015).

Jenkins, Colleen. 2015. “Gay marriage advocates sue North Carolina.” Reuters, December 9, 2015. Retrieved December 9, 2015 (