Men’s self-image puts them in danger of dying from AIDS, research shows

Men’s self-image puts them in danger of dying from AIDS, research shows
Experts indicate the masculine identity of males as a strong, sexually active risk-taker makes men more likely to die from HIV/AIDS than their female counterparts (Migiro, 2015). “Although six out of ten Africans with HIV are women, men are 25% more likely to die from the disease, according to research” (Migiro, 2015). Experts also contend that a majority of individuals who don’t access services are men (Migiro, 2015). . Men are less likely to seek testing and treatment for HIV/AIDS (Migiro, 2015). Healthcare agencies have primarily focused on ensuring women are tested, usually when they are pregnant (Migiro, 2015). Healthcare agencies need to target men by providing more male-friendly services (Migiro, 2015). Since homosexuality is illegal in most African countries, men who have sex with men are less likely to seek services due to stigmas and discrimination further confounding the problem (Migiro, 2015). In order to successfully combat these high statistics social constructs of masculinity and laws must be changed to encourage men to seek testing and treatment (Migiro, 2015) .
Migiro, Katy. 2015. “Men’s self-image puts them in danger of dying from AIDS, research shows.” Reuters, December 9, 2015. Retrieved December 9, 2015 (