Human Trafficking In Our Own Backyard

We all know that human trafficking exists, but we tend to think it’s “over there,” not here in the U.S.  How do you feel about trafficking being a problem in our own backyard?

I just saw this article about Human Trafficking in Charlotte, NC and how it’s becoming an increasingly large problem.  Apparently, as Charlotte puts more and more sports arenas and hotels up – making the city more attractive for visitors – trafficking increases. See the complete story by clicking the link below.

Lest you think that Charlotte is the only place in NC with a problem, the Raleigh area is also a hot spot for human trafficking. And it’s a big issue according to The Salvation Army of Wake County. It runs a program called Project FIGHT (Freeing Individuals Gripped by Human Trafficking).  They’ve seen trafficking cases with women as old as 63 and girls as young as 9.  According to the article below, human trafficking goes on in the Raleigh area (and around the country) right in front of our eyes, but we don’t see it. Is it because we don’t want to?

What has to happen before we have a government crack-down on trafficking here in our state – and in this country?  Why isn’t this issue a HOT TOPIC each night when we turn on our local news? Is it that we believe these women and girls aren’t really enslaved? Can 9 yr old children choose such a life? Does media (and public) silence have to do with the women’s socio-economic status?  Race? Do we believe the women somehow brought this existence on themselves? Why aren’t more women demanding action from our authorities and politicians? I find it incredible that we hear so little about this.

What are your thoughts?

Katie Basile