No Place for Boys

The country’s first shelter for sex-trafficked boys will open Spring 2016! Anna and Chris smith are from Greenville, NC and they have picked a spot for the shelter here in Eastern NC. I was surprised to hear that this shelter will be the first for sexually abused boys. When people think about the sex-trade they forget that boys are victims as well. Chris Anderson, CEO of the support group “Male Survivor” says “We live in a society where ideas about what masculinity is, what a man is, what a boy is supposed to be or become, are influenced in many ways by very toxic, distorted myths,” The Smith couple are working hard to change those myths.

The Smith’s had to prepare meetings to further educate the surrounding neighborhoods on the issue of sex trade affecting boys. Some community members were worried about how the shelter would affect their family members and children surrounding it. However, after their hard work and out reach in educating the community they will be welcoming four boys when the shelter opens in Spring, 2016. Click on the link to watch the video of Anna and Chris working on this amazing project!