Rape and disfigurement

Sidra Kamwal


These are pictures of Sidra Kamwal before a man threw acid in her face for refusing to marry him. Ironically, she had just moved back home with her parents because her husband was so abusive to her. Women all over the world are being raped and maimed – the women in Pakistan are not the only victims. However, this article focuses on Sidra and some other Pakistani women who are courageously taking a public stand for dignity and justice. Their problem? Not only is the government of Pakistan resistant to instituting laws to protect women, but the few laws that do exist are not enforced by police, judges, politcians, etc.

There is a powerful group in Pakistan called the Islamic Ideology Council – a religiously right advisory group which, despite the fact that it has no legal authority, is able to exert a tremendous amount of influence in terms of women’s issues. Women’s rights organizations have been demanding that the group disbands, however that is very unlikely. Average citizens – both male and female – are of no help for they blame the women for the rapes and disfigurements. There are even physicians who refuse to help the women.

The more stories like these are circulated, the more we can hope that international pressure will make a positive difference for these women. Please take the time to read the article and then let your families and friends know what is happening to women in other parts of the world.