This months Google Doodle was really interesting to me. A sophomore girl in Washington, DC won the contest – the theme was “What makes” Akilah titled her Doodle “My Afnocentric life” — the Doodle includes symbols of black heritage and signs representing the Black Lives Matter movement.

Akilah says “As a child, I attended Roots [Public Charter School] and Roots [Activity Learning Center], so I was raised in the ‘Afrocentric lifestyle,’ ” Akilah told The Post, referring to educational institutions in Northwest Washington that tout “culturally relevant curriculum” and the aim to serve “the specific needs of children of African heritage.”

Out of all the things Akilah included in her art the most special to her are  “the Symbol of Life [the ankh], the African continent, where everything began for me and my ancestors, the Eye of Horus, the word ‘power’ drawn in black, the woman’s fist based on one of my favorite artist’s works, and the D.C. flag — because I’m a Washingtonian at heart and I love my city with everything in me!”)

I love the way she put everything together and the special meanings of African American heritage and culture are so intriguing! What do you all think of it? And remember to click on the other upcoming Google Doodles they are all so interesting!