McCroy signs bill overturning transgender ordinance

North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory has signed legislation designed to rein in local governments passing their own anti-discrimination rules. This happened late Wednesday evening– the reason being that on April, 1st Charlotte city council ordinance was supposed to go in full effect. The ordinance was to extend protections on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity for treatment at hotels and restaurants.

Pat McCroy tweeted “Ordinance defied common sense, allowing men to use women’s bathroom/locker room for instance. That’s why I signed bipartisan bill to stop it”

I can see how the use of public bathrooms could pose fears and concerns. That privilege could potentially be abused by people who are not transgender, however I feel as though they could have come up with an alternate solution because this legislation doesn’t only prohibit the usage of public bathrooms for trans genders but also effects the LGBT community in other ways making it hard for them to gain rights. Many people are getting upset over this. What are your thoughts on McCroy signing this legislation? I copied the link in that includes a short news report on the subject.