Millions of Girls are Missing Each Year…. Why?

1.4 million girls are missing from the global population each year. Some are victims of infanticide, some are victims of abuse or neglect, some are never allowed to be born. Why? For many of the reasons that we’ve discussed in class.  See the link below for more information.

In 1995, the UN held its Fourth World Conference on Women in Bejing, China. Now, over 20 years later, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the No Ceilings Initiative of the Bill, and the Bill, Hilary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation have all come together to track the progress of women around the world since the Conference, along with the areas that are still in need of improvement.  The Full Participation Report is available for all of us.

I encourage everyone to explore the  site and to read about many important issues concerning women around the globe. There are videos and there is even an interactive map. Some of the information on the website is inspiring, some of it is discouraging, but all of the data is important!  Be informed!

I started this post with some comments about Missing Girls, hoping to intrigue you!  I’ve included the link to the Missing Girls webpage below.