#ECUWithoutMe Diversity Campaign

Personally, the most beautiful aspect of being exposed to a University campus is the diversity! There are so many races, ethnic backgrounds, opinions, and perspectives that all come together to create an atmosphere called college. Unfortunately, despite the wonderful cultures coming together, voices tend to be left out. During our class we study global cultures and sometimes it is easy to forget the many cultures that are represented in our own backyard. Because of this, a group of students from our school have started a diversity campaign “ECU Without Me.” Every week or so, they release a short segment that features the many forgotten voices on our campus to represent various backgrounds. From Greek Life to students with disabilities to minorities, they are on the journey to covering it all.
I have attached a link for more information. Their videos can be found by searching “#ECUWithoutMe” and I am proud to say that I have been featured in one of the segments.

Enjoy and support, because what would ECU be without you?http://www.theeastcarolinian.com/news/article_441800a8-cec7-11e5-a67f-fbe4541d6f82.html