Are Women of Color being left out of #Metoo?

Published on January 2, 2018, this article by the Huffington Post discusses the conversation around the movement #Metoo and the place Women of Color hold within the movement. According to the article, women of color feel as if their voices and stories are being drowned out or not heard, even though this movement was created by a black woman. In my opinion, this could be due to the fact that the movement has gotten bigger and white women (especially celebrities) are at the forefront of the movement. This can easily make other groups seem forgotten. The article makes a point to mention that Women of Color have higher rates of sexual assault and harassment compared to white women. With statistics like that, you would think there would be more stories from women of color being heard. The article reveals stories from Women of color on the sexual harassment and assault they have faced in the past. Some of their experiences are some that I have experienced myself.  From being told to cover up in front of men so I don’t drawn attention to myself to being groped in public by men. This behavior has become normalize by society. When will it end?  Another point in the article that I agree with and is something that we touched on in class is that certain issues are not considered a problem until it affects the white community. This is when people begin to have conversation which can be frustrating because people of color have been saying it has always been a problem.

What are your thoughts?

-Haita Toure