“Striking Back Against Breast Cancer: One Coin at a Time”

Speaking of women empowerment, I ran across this article and felt I should share.

I’m not sure if any of the movements we’ve discussed influenced this or not, but I thought it was a beautiful tribute to the “one in 8 women” diagnosed with this horrible disease.

Although breast cancer can rarely affect men too, it affects so many women, in the U.S. and elsewhere, regardless of their age, race, ethnicity, class, title, job, or anything. Although it is not under the best circumstances, it is one factor that connects those women affected worldwide.

Because the number of males that appear on U.S. money outnumbers the females- I think the creation of another female coin is a step in the right direction, especially one that commemorates the strength of women.

It is equally awesome that no taxpayer dollars are going towards this creation and all benefits will be used for Breast Cancer Awareness and Education.

As someone who has had family and friends affected by this disease, it brings me joy to know our heroes are being recognized and supported!

“Funding for breast cancer research at NIH has risen more than threefold since 1993. When Maloney first came to Congress, one of her goals was to increase breast cancer research funding. In 1993, funding was at only $210 million. At its highest point in 2012, funding for breast cancer research was $800 million, and in 2016, NIH funding for breast cancer research was nearly $700 million. In the past two years, the Department of Defense has spent $120 million per year in the fight against breast cancer.”


Kara Chipiwalt