Using Privilege for Good

The topic centered around equal pay has been a long lasting debate. It is no secret that women get paid less than men. This same logic applies in the land of the rich and famous, Hollywood. If you are a women of color, you earn even less than white women. Many actresses have been vocal about this issue, but not much has been done to correct the problem. Depending on your status in Hollywood and other factors, it will determine if people will listen to you. Actress Jessica Chastain, a white woman, has been vary vocal about the pay gap that occurs in Hollywood. From her friend and former co-star actress Octavia Spencer, a black woman, she learned about the pay gap between white women and women of color. She was saddened and decided to do take a stand against this issue. Chastain found out that in a movie her and Spencer are due to star in that there was a major pay gap between the two. Chastain decided to tie her contact with Spencer and asked for a larger salary. In the end, she helped influence and increase Spencer’s salary five times than her original salary. Chastain used her privilege to help someone’s voice be heard. I think what she did was amazing. Using your privilege to help others is something people should do. I think that more and more, people are realizing the type of power they have and are trying to channel it through good avenues.

What are your thoughts?

-Haita Toure