Children Hurt Women’s Earnings, but Not Men’s

According to recent studies, the wage gap between women and men in developed countries is explained mostly by the motherhood. Both in Europe and in the United States, these studies have shown that the the gender pay gap is much smaller until the first child arrives, then women’s earnings fall and their career trajectories slow.In contrast, women who do not have children, continue growing their earnings at a similar rate to men.

The explanation for this behavior in wages is that mothers work fewer hours, take longer breaks from employment and are more likely to move into lower-paying, family-friendly jobs, because they are have to take care of the children and therefore they do not have access to the same jobs as men.

This article concludes than the public policy is not enough to overcome gender inequality, it’s necessary in addition, a change in culture and stereotypes and in this sense would be important that  fathers acted more the way mothers do after having children, by spending more time on parenting and the related responsibilities.