Pink for Boys and blue for girls? A mini history lesson.

“Pink for Boys and Blue for Girls might seem strange today, but until the 1940’s a lot of people thought pink was the more masculine color and blue was clearly more feminine. So how did the switch happen? It’s a long, strange story.”- KSPS Public TV

I stumbled upon an interesting video that gives a great summary on how gender became associated with colors.  KSPS Public TV’s video provided some interesting information. Did you know that all young children used to wear dresses?

I think the fact that we superimpose gender identities onto children is harmful. A child should be free to explore their gender identity from a young age and encouraged to lead fulfilled unconstrained lives.  A boy that likes traditionally ” girly” things should not be shamed just as a girl who like to do “manly” activities should not be chastised. Allowing children this freedom can help strengthen emotional comprehension and stability, help with mental health, and help encourage self reliance and sensibility.

Evander Jennings