Who Knew “I’m With Her” was a band?

I’m With Her: ‘We’re about camaraderie, not Hillary’

I ran across this article about a band titled “I’m With Her” that had its name well before Hillary coined the phrase for her 2016 presidential campaign. Despite not being associated with the campaign, it seems their messages are similar. I’m With Her (the band) discusses their challenges as female musicians in the bluegrass world. Despite their years of training, they have still faced discrimination and road blocks on their journey. It was particularly interesting that one of the band members discussed how she had frequently received praise when she had not performed well, just because she was female. I don’t think this is a dynamic that we often think about. It’s a form of unwelcome courtesy to clap and praise simply because someone is part of a marginalized group. Just like many successful male musicians, these women expect to earn their success, not just have praise handed to them because someone feels sorry for them.


Has anyone else ever experienced special treatment because of membership in a marginalized group?


-Marah Barrow