The Loving Generation

This youtube video The Loving Generation, touches on the hardships mixed raced people face in this country. About 50 years ago, it was illegal for interracial couples to be married. A black women, Mildred Jeter and white man, Richard Loving challenged the US Supreme Court and after a tough battle, won their case. From that point on, interracial couples were allowed to marry. When you think about it, this was not too long ago. In a sense, children born before the court case would be considered illegal. Since interracial marriage became legal, there was an increase in biracial children being born soon after. This is what they call “The Loving Generation”. This video focuses on the main topic of checking boxes. A lot of mixed people have trouble selecting their race on forms. In the United States, if you are black and white, you are automatically considered black. Some are ok with this but others feel as if they are dismissing their white side. There are some mixed people that can pass as white but are often told they are not black. Even light skinned African Americans sometimes have their blackness questioned. The video does a great job of telling their stories. Being a dark skinned African American, my blackness has never been questioned. This video gave me some more insight into the other perspective. There was a movie that came out about two years ago that covers this historic court case, I definitely recommend it!