Op-ED 1- Jaylen

Jaylen Rodgers



Gender studies has opened up a whole new perspective from me, and the sad realization that people are still not able to express their views and sexuality freely and without social consequences even in these “progressive” times.    It is even more concerning that the patriarchal status quo ever prevalent in America has continued to allow powerful men to oppress women and bully them into submission.  I have read books, articles, and heard stories that have truly gave me chills thus far, though Hector Carillo’s text has definitely been the most shocking and impactful story so far.  Although my articles on the blog have focused on substance abuse and its effect on the different genders, I feel there is another topic that has tragically forced its way into the national spotlight and that I feel strongly about: School shootings and inevitably gun control.

The different reactions from both political parties to this party have been shocking to me.  Trump and the Republicans blast ridiculous ideas about arming teachers while giving them bonuses, meanwhile some Democrats continue to shamelessly exploit the tragedy for political means and preach about the mythical ideal of “Gun control” .  While the problem of FAR too easy access to military grade weapons definitely exists; we also have a problem with looking at events objectively and not through the lens of identity politics and personal biases.  The Republicans are also ridiculously hypocritical with their reactions to every event of Muslim “extremism.” Maybe it’s just me, but whether its a white/black/asian dude shooting up a school or blowing themselves up and killing innocent people, it’s a tragedy period.  The shooter should barely be a factor, the focus should be on the victims always and their families.  The media is plenty to blame for this problem but the personal biases shine through in everyone.

Here’s my view of things: To start off, I’m not a member of the NRA or anything but I devoutly support the 2nd amendment and the right to bear arms.  I grew up in Rural Eastern NC hunting, fishing, and shooting cans in the backyard.  Guns were all around us; both genders were taught how to shoot, though we learned with pellet guns and shotguns instead of AR-15s.

In regards to this current debate however, guns aren’t going anywhere, period.   My argument is not that guns are socially necessary and that there aren’t other methods of self defense.  I could simply argue the “guns don’t kill people, people kill people” cliche, which honestly is the simplest way I can get people to understand it but they still wouldn’t.  Maybe I’ll indulge in some satire….Boom, make guns illegal and no civilian can buy one.  Cool.  Will all guns start being collected, dismantled .and destroyed? Will there be a nationwide gun collection program? Do all the guys with illegal, unregistered guns have to give theirs back too? If so, I’m all for it.  

This is not reality however.  The bad guys have never registered their guns or did background checks.  In a world where there are billions of guns and bullets lying around, it’s either somebody can legally have them or none of us can.  That’s my only practical solution to guns.  I’m not even going to make the “take the guns from police” case either, what would it have done in Parkland? Nothing .  The Deputy didn’t even draw it.  Going back to the cliche, it’s really not guns that kill people, but people that kill people.  

Maybe this is toxic masculinity, maybe the feeling of power a gun gives to some people makes them overly violent and masochistic.  Is everybody too desensitized to violence? Why do men do the vast majority of mass shootings? The music I hear on the radio and the movies I see sure make guns seem pretty normal and even kinda cool! In case you haven’t noticed. I don’t seem to have a lot realistic solutions to guns either.  Humans unleashed a mechanism of control that they can no longer control, as with nuclear weapons.  Even through primitive times humans have had tools to end life, tools to defend themselves against others, but now it’s as easy as pulling a trigger.  20 lives can be taken as easily as one.  We have a problem we can’t seem to solve.  Feel free to comment and engage!